designed by Elizabeth Foster

Another bunny . . .
It looks like there's something in the carrot.
Is there something in the carrot?
Hey, what's in the carrot?
I know there's something in that carrot.
There's got to be something in that carrot.
Okay, what's in the carrot?
Flea Market Souvenir by Blackbird Designs
30 ct LaCrosse Blend & 30 ct Kansas City Blend (2 separate cuts)
Weeks Dye Works, Gentle Arts
Here are some close-ups of the stitching embellishment sewn over the seams before framing.
Bear & Bunny Patch (Bucilla silk ribbon kit #41287)
Cotton flannel, floss, silk ribbon
The bear and bunnies were appliqued to the pillow cover using a simple blanket stitch surrounded by a beautiful garden of silk ribbon flowers.I love the tactile feel of silk, whether it's ribbon or fiber. It's slick and smooth like a sugar lollipop.
This project wasn't difficult at all. I would call it a beginner project in ribbon embroidery. The stitches used for the flowers were straight stitch, Japanese ribbon stitch, french knot and free form. The bunny and bear tails were ruched ribbon and the bows were looped.
For my next adventure, hmmmm, what will I try? Brazilian embroidery or more stump work? I have no idea!
This isn't a quick project, takes some concentration and I can't work on it for long periods but am really pleased with the results.
Am I looking for excuses to start something else? You bet - here's a peek . . . think Spring!